I can’t sleep.

Everyone offers up the same crap when you can’t sleep.

My least favorite suggestion is that I cut out caffiene, because that can keep you up, don’t you know.

Listen, you fucking cow, I am only going to say this once.

I’ve been up for a week

It’s not the fucking caffeine.

A reader asks:

Is that creative dry spell, or withdrawal from communication, or “writer’s block” or whatever it is distressful to you?

Mostly I am angry that every day they add more crap to xanga. I do not want to spend credits on minis and I thought subscriptions were a perfectly elegant form of social networking but I guess we need messaging and friends as well because myspace has them and by all means lets take the simple functional and beautiful and degrade it, xanga crew.

I’m sure the best audience to pander too is the hyperkinetic highschool douche set that wants very much to “pimp ” their xanga with all sorts of sparkly shit and stuff, never mind that these things are the internet equivalent of the singing plastic fish.

You want me to pay you money and buy premium and such? Why don’t you take one aesthetic step toward your original principle, which was simple function?

Do you think I’m too stupid to buy a domain and install wordpress on it? I’m not. I’m not stupid at all, most days.

Living gears like little ants

I find it harder and harder to write on here.

What’s in my head isn’t writing right now. Not writing for here anyway.

There’s something there, though. Something I think might be real, but it has to learn to move in three dimensions.

Or I have to learn to move it in three dimensions.

If you look carefully, you can find a steam engine and buy it. Did you know that? That’s your question for the day.

Did you know that?