Some motherfucking rocket scientists at merk invented an effective vaccine for HPV.
If you know one of these guys, for the love of god, buy them a damn beer.
Then fuck em’ – why not, it’s safe!
I’m going to drop some statistics – HPV is responsible for somewhere between 50 and 80 percent of cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is basically cancer of the ladybits. It robs hundreds of thousands of people worldwide of their lives, and more yet of their reproductive capability. Milliions of lives wrecked each year.
HPV also causes genital warts, an intractible and essentially incurable STD that disfigures the genitals, although generally without destruction of their function.
And now there’s a vaccine for it. I mean, this motherfucker is done. It’s in the bag. They could shelve it any time. No more HPV. We could all fuck more freely! We could use our penises and vaginas with greater frequency, guys!
Me having sex more aside, the vaccine could drastically curb the disease. Like drastically. “Genital warts” could become a forgotten disease, like Smallpox… but to do so, it really needs to be adminstered in childhood, as HPV is highly asymptomatic . . . ah . . .that means it takes forever to kick in. You can carry it for a long time, and not know it. Especially if you’re a dude. Y’all could be firing wart juice with every shot. Ewww. That means to really curb HPV in the population, you need to apply it pretty goddamn early in life – before people start fucking, and you know kids today. And uncles today.
Guess who isn’t happy about it?
Fucking christians.
Some of these dudes seriously believe that STDs are there to keep us in line in keeping with god’s plan. What dicks.
Now most of them don’t care about the vaccine existing. . . they just don’t want it added to the vaccine battery for public school. OK, I can see that. Why should we wipe out a disease when we could half-ass it and breed some nice, resistaint strains?
See, in these people’s mind, “The bad kids” have sex and “their kids” practice abstinence, and if festering tumors bloom on someone’s cervix, well, that’s what they get for being sluts. They don’t think about the LCD. They don’t think about incest, rape, and the callow experimentation that goes on in the environment they’ve created – an environment without real sex education, where reporting sexual assaults is a good way to be branded a slut and whispered about until you graduate. These people got laid twice in highschool, put a bun in Betty Sue’s oven, and spent the rest of their “lives” bitter about the abortive journey they’ve taken, so they are fucking with the rest of us.
they just see black and white, narrow paths and straight lines, but they don’t even walk those paths.
They have diseases. They cheat on each other. They beat and rape their kids and steal from their bosses, and they think a wad of sweaty money in the plate every sunday makes it better. It doesn’t – not in the eyes of god or the rest of us. You should give that collection money to a cop, not a bishop, because he’s the guy that REALLY saves you from the consequences of your hubris and your hypocracy.
This vaccine won’t work if you have to wait until you are 18 or have your parents permission to get it. At least, it won’t work in 1-3 iterations like it will if it’s added to the standard vaccine battery.
Let’s all, just this once, forget that a guy got nailed to a fucking board and catch the fuck up with the rest of the goddamn race.
Fuck I need some angrier music.
Lovely rant there! Especially that last bit!
i’d sooner eat my money and save the resulting crap in a jar on my mantle than give it to the cops, but other than that, you’re right straight on.
But if we make sex completely safe our kids will go out and do it! We cannot hand out condoms at schools becuase it will make kids who wouldn’t have sex have some sex! That is what teenagers do! They never have sex unless you give them condoms or STD treatments, duh!
yeah, it’s fundamentally retarded to have that kind of a position…go scientists, yay! 😉
Well, having read this, I think I’ll go have some unprotected sex. Or should I wait?
hells yeah. (and as far as angry music goes, I’m old-school… I’ve been digging out Pantera’s “Walk” when I need angry music.)
very well executed. I agree completely.
sometimes, i just find myself disgusted with religious zealots who are so sure that turning their back on the fellow man is “God’s way”.
it’s great that there is this new opportunity to end a horrible health hazard, everyone needs to wake up and realize the benefits.
cheers, youre an above-average human
Wow, that was pretty fucking good.