I’ve noticed a lot of bullshit lately.
My favorite? “Well, I’m going to go ahead and say merry christmas, even though it’s not PC”
Ohhhh, you big fucking rebel.
I keep hearing from (mostly people who watch fox news) that there is a ‘war on christmas’
There is no war on christmas. Even if somewhere in the country an atheist is being a great big fuck-juggling stretch-hole about something, that is not a war on christmas.
How do I know this? Because there is no other side. People who wish to be quickly inclusive (IE NOT say “HAPPY CHRISTMAS HAUNNIKA (if the people that celebrate it can’t pick a spelling, I’m making one up) KWANZA AND FESTIVUS SEASON EVERYONE) or inoffensive and businesslike (this is your boss I’m talking about – he’s not an atheist himself, he’d just rather not have people making huge deals about holdays so he doesn’t have to give you days off) have been saying “happy holidays” for years.
A few people doing what they’ve always done – not practicing a religion of which they are not a member and not forcing it on others – is not a ‘war’
I should seriously start killing goats at work and when they tell me to stop bitch about the 1st amnd. being violated by their “war on satanism”
Christmas is a lie anyway – it’s just another holy roman corruption of an old roman feast day.
“What do you mean you don’t want to celebrate Saturnalia now that you’re christians? It’s still a bitchin’ party…”
“Well, it’s not Christian”
“OK we will put Christ in the name. Come have a beer/beers”
I am sick of right wing bullshit. The biggest thing I’m sick of is people fucking insisting fox news is “FAIR AND BALANCED” whereas the liberal press is “biased”
Something having the opposite fucking bias is not being ‘unbiased’
Fox News is not unbiased just because they say so
Stop letting a fucking channel of douchebag waterheads think for you, especially if you are going to pollute my christmas dinner table with completely unfounded, crude, illogical, knee jerk pollitical bullshit involving subjects you do not understand.