I’ve been thinking about how the world mourns us.

See, if you amount to nothing special, the world doesn’t miss you at all.

And if you did, if your life was full of meaning and promise, well, the world tends to make more of you after you die then you were alive.

Do we miss the man that was, or the dreams that we had of him?

Personally, I would kill to see something weird right now, you know? There’s something great about something strange.

7 thoughts on “

  1. um.
    i saw a moose with it’s front legs on the porch lookin into my friend’s living room window last week…that’s all i’ve got. oh yeah! a few night ago this drunk dude was trying to light a camp fire on mainstreet. that was a little wierd. he was drunk but he was so quiet no one knew and the tourists gathered around him one by one coz they thought maybe he was a street prefermer i guess. i saw a few of them throw coins down for him. he ignored them. i think he just wanted a cup of tea. silly homeless dude, he soulda asked us to boil him some water, we woulda helped him out. but no. he started a fire and the cops took him away.
    that’s wierd for us.
    anyways! good to hear from ya fucker! take er easy, eh?

  2. i think the world makes a bigger deal out of someone after they’re dead out of guilt.  they know they don’t give a shit while the person was alive, so to assuage their sense of “gee, i’m an asshole” they inflate the person’s deeds and personality until it becomes almost a cult of personality.

    wow, that was deep for only having been up for, like, 15 minutes…

  3. i had a really weird dream the other night where i met you, and you insisted that i call you mark and you lived in a swamp. Completely random.

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