13 thoughts on “

  1. oh jesus FUCKING god. i mean…fuckit whatever. i won’t even bother to touch on this one. it’s ridiculous. and if people wanna be ignorant and raise thier kids to be the same, i don’t give a fuck, as long as i’m allowed to beat them to death with a hockey stick whenever they open thier mouths.
    the end.

  2. bahahah this was my favourite part.
    response for a kansas school board member
    “thank you for your comments regarding the flying spaghetti monster”

    hehehe. ennnnh. i showed this to my mormon “aquaintance”
    she hasn’t spoken to me for the last two hours.
    and for that, i thank you. i too have been touched.

  3. What part of “Phn’glui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wagn’nagl fhtagn” didn’t you understand?

  4. yeah really—–i suppose enough time has passed for hilarity of part 2 to wear off so we are not to be hearing any more about it-too bad really, I heard the Silverado Shit is the next new thing!

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