A city is a strange thing. Within one at night, you can feel that therre isn’t a single other human being for miles, ebven thought the city must, to exist, crawl with them. Even though you’re brushing shoulders with others at every pass.

You’re crossing a bridige in a cab and you’re looking out across this contgious thing of glass and steel and concrete and it’s got the scale of geography, but geography, the truly geoplogical, that’s there for ever.

The city could die with you, it just probably won’t. It’s our geology, a mountain the rolls with us.

That’s a city.

I think that I want to make movies. You watch a really good movie, it carries part of you away with it to someone else, like the ripples in a pond. I’d loke to do that one time.

And “I make movies” is a great line.


5 thoughts on “

  1. omg youre the first person i’ve heard of besides me that listens to the streets

    i didnt realize they had a new album out, i have original pirate material

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