New entry

Sunday afternoon wake up entry.

I got conned into going out last night, and I ended up staying out until about 6:30 in the morning.

I realized something profound: My only real issue is other people’s issues.

I was at a party, and EVERY UNESCORTED GIRL THERE had an inattentive, out of town, abusive, or neglectful boyfriend. I’m talking a good 6 or 8 girls here. And I was paying attention to what they said to other people, not just what they said to me . . . so what gives? 

And the vile thing? They were all feeling no pain and eating out of my hand . . . could have just singled out one that was weak or sick and cut it out of the pack, no problem, but I just didn’t want to be That Guy last night . . .  

How did I manage to arrive at a nexus of girls ripe for adulteration?
Why does god do these things to me, screw with me like this?
Perhaps the way I laughed at the hyena mauling in the new Exorcist movie hours earlier?

Could be . . . I guess it’s only fair for God to screw with me. Lord knows I do enough crap to him. 

I also ended a drunken pro life/pro choice debate between some christian ho-bag and some dude, by introducing them to my innovative new abortion platform. When asked how I felt about it, I replied, “I’m not pro abortion, exactly, but I’m very, very anti-life.” (I think orignal credit for this may go to either some comedian or Krootboy, in the interest of full disclosure)

That got an odd look.

also, these guys played at the local drinkery last night and they’re pretty cool.

they’re out of Denver so catch them or don’t, I don’t care.


There’s no recollection
of the evil things I’ve done
My head feels like I musta’ had some fun

What happened?

Last thing I remember
I was chillin at a party
Pinching girlie’s asses
I was drinking recklessly

I know I did something
Lord what could it be

25 thoughts on “

  1. Girls put themselves in their own situations. I don’t plan on being one of those girls. =) I’m sorry you were stuck listening to their muling. By the way… I’m slowly making everything protected, and all of my posts from here on out will be so.

  2. ‘I’m not pro-choice, I’m anti-life’ is one of mine.  Unless I also unwittingly stole it from Morgan or some comedian.  Which is possible, considering my faltering memory as of late.

  3. I recently watched an episode of Ren and Stimpy, where Ren’s DNA was spliced and he split into the 2 facets of his personality. Evil Ren and Indifferent Ren. Kind of reminds me of you!

  4. Heh. Anti-Life. You slay me.

    No, seriously. Sundays suck, cause you know tommorow is monday and everything becomes tainted.

  5. I am convinced that women like being unhappy… I don’t know how many times I have heard the “too nice” comment… They would much prefer somone neglectful…. I’m not yet sure why, but I’m working on it….

  6. well the story is that i left my boyfriend of five years last Friday. The only people who know where I am is the person I am staying with and my mother just found out this week. Everyone is worried about me and thinks I might be mentally unstable when in actuality I am doing a little better and I have found a good guy. He’s been taking care of me and I know everyone thinks it is a rebound but it’s not. Although I am getting increasingly irresponsible though and have been going out and drinking and staying up til 5 am.

  7. well, at least you didn’t indulge the “fuck it” instinct and get involved in something messy…it’ll just make you appreciate the right thing when it smacks you in the head…

  8. There is one thing in this world that I know to be true.  This comes from meandering experiance of trying to be “That Guy”, being the shoulder to cry on, being the jealous boyfriend, and being “just friends”.  If you have taken nothing else from our friendship, take this one token of advice:

    “Girls do not, have not, and will not under any circumstances here to and through out the universe and elsewhere… ever make sense”.

  9. “Too nice”  that is a compliment that feels like a slap in the face.  It is amazing what some ladies think is good.

  10. tell me, chucky, how does one screw god? seriously. it’s somethin to do late at night when the power goes off.

    and thanks eh? sometimes i just don’t know.

  11. anti-life, I love it.
    As for the female mind, well, it’s just gonna have to remain a mystery, as it’s so complicated that I could explain it to you, but you’d never understand.

  12. God was screwing my life before i laughed at the hyenas in the movie myself.  so i don’t think it’s because of that.

    women are insane.  run.  we should all be committed.  here’s the gig on why women are constantly going after dicks:  we all have huge and all-encompassing egos.  therefore, when we get to be with someone who falls into that category, we believe (with that ego) that one of two possible things will happen: 1–we can change them!  we alone, with our power and neurotic tendencies can make them into something ‘better!’  or 2–we will martyr ourselves and fuck ourselves in the asses (not literally), bend over backwards and become something we’re not in order to please that dickhead, and eventually our efforts will be noticed and appreciated, and then we will be loved for all time.

    bitter?  me?  oh, no.

  13. What the hell kind of party was this?  And I’m glad you didn’t turn into a dick and just jump on one of them, as you so could have.  You have morals.  I like that.

  14. whatever, man. the world needs more jerks like you. personally, i wouldn’t waste my time on someone who wasn’t, and not because i’m masochistic.

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