Got out last night. Played a little pool.

I haven’t played pool in over a year, and a work pal called me to sub for his *league.* Buckfutter.

My first two games were really rusty, but in a four-person round robin, I posted a 6, a 6, and a 7 and a 10 (OMG TEH WINS) vs four fairly seasoned bluetips (the small, local, edible kind of shark).

The first game was REAL rough . . . over-stroking, off-center strikes, backwards english, scratches . . . I even *hit the felt* once.

and on the second game I knocked in two own balls trying a trick shot I should have had more sense then to go for.

I got my shit together in the third, only losing because my opponent was very capable (he beat everyone on my team). I think the three ruskie’s hittin’ bottom helped me find my stride. Finally, I won, albeit 10-7, in the last game…I like pool.

 I was like, “Sorry about the three Ls,” and they were like “Shit, it took me three months to win my first game.” So I guess I still got it. At least, some of it. 

It was nice to get out and breathe. I met new people, which is always cool, and got Somewhat Drunk on the tab of someone else. . . so, all in all, a good day.

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