Quick question for everybody. . .even if you know me, you can answer this for the benifit of people who don’t: What does your voice sound like, and are you happy with it?

I was looking at a picture of a rather attractive Xangan, and I suddenly wondered, “What if she has an annoying voice?”

17 thoughts on “

  1. Imagine what would happen, vocally, if Kathleen Turner and Lauren Bacall had a baby. That voice is me. It’s kinda on the deep and raspy side, and sometimes when I’m real excited or angry, a bit of the Virginia twang comes out.

  2. unfortunately, i sound like rache…

    it’s funny you mention this, there’s a girl my guy friends and i have noticed (ie talk about behind everybody elses back) and she’s got quite a few assets…yet, you ever hear the aliens in Mars Attacks?  If not, you’ll have no idea what the hell I’m talking about, but if you do…you’ll understand…

  3. A good question, true believer.  (I can’t say that, can I?  Okay, restart.)

    Wow.  That’s a concern.  For all you know, she could be freakin’ Janice on the other line.  Myself, uh…  Well, I’m pretty average, although a bit grating because I have such a freakin’ high voice.  But evidently I sound like my dad, who’s not so bad and…  Never mind.  I’d rather be singing anyways.

    And thanks for the kind words.  Unfortunately, the street he drove up to goes two miles west and thirty east, so there’s no telling where he even lives.  The car is trashed, but I’m doing better.  But believe me, if I ever see him again, he’ll have to contend with my superior samurai stylee.  Look for my name in News of the Wierd, either for that or being fatally hit by an ambulance on my birthday this Saturday!  (An ironic end to a shitty week of a year?  Stay tuned!)

  4. i would say my voice is melodic, but not to the point where its annoying. Liquid-y is the word i would like to use. I am happy with it, but not when i am sick.

    what about you?

  5. I hate my voice.  When I was in high school, my little brother was 5.  When I’d answer the phone, “hello?” my friends would say “hiii Billy!  is your sister there?”


    I think it’s too froggy, too high, too grobbly.  I hate it hate it hate it.

    A voice you can get over… unless it’s like a Janet-from-Friends voice or The Nanny.  Mine, thankfully, is better than those . . . but not by a lot.

  6. I love my voice. Sometimes I forget to raise it and I sound like a bulldyke, but other than that I like the sexual tone to it. Kind of like Cetherine Zeta-Jones without the Catherine Zeta-jones part. Anyway, I like the sound of it and other people seem to as well so sure. I like it.

  7. Subscriptions, eh?  Lucky you!!

    As for my voice, I’ve been told it’s quite nice.  Not too deep, not too soft, not too high.  You could call to find out, but it will cost you 1.99 for the first minute, and .99 for each additional minute.

  8. i actually like my voice.  i think i look like my voice would be a lot higher, but it’s really not.  still, this is an interesting question because i’m only liking what my own ears hear coming out of my mouth and throat.  so when i hear myself on a recorder of some sort, when it’s played back to me, because it’s not projected from the same place i customarily hear it, it sounds strange and i don’t like it as much.  i think i sound more “valley girl” when it comes out of a recorder…perhaps that’s what others hear?  i don’t know.  but for the most part, my voice is pretty clear and i guess low for a female…(haha but not masculine)

  9. Yeah dude, good question… I don’t like the sound of my voice on the phone or recorded.. but in real life I think it’s alright… It really matters what tone I am using more than the actual sound…


  10. I have never heard myself except through my ears. I think I have a voice that is only a little deep sounding except when I laugh, then it is higher. Hmm. Very difficult to explain

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