I just lost something wonderful.
I had maybe a three page post typed up and ready to go. It was great. It was a long, rambling dissemination on internet culture that was insightful, funny, studded with multimedia links – it took about half an hour to write and proofread, and about an hour to annotate words like monkey, poop, dork, gay ninja, strom thurmond, white virtue, and mandrill with clever photos and links.
I am seriously pissed off.
So I punish you all with something from the pun lab.
If a marine mammal could do magic it would be a . . .
Like my website? It’s a piece of crap! I made it as fast as possible with bresnan’s canned tools!
I’m starting work on an actual good site about the culture of the computer underground, but I think I will stash it someplace else.
Cut ‘n paste. Every time, before you click submit, cut and paste the qhole fucking post.
Hermetic Seal?!?! Oh the Humanatee!!!
I think I’ll just Go away and Come back later.
You actually used pre-fab, ISP, dumbed-down, dulled down HTML tools?!? Gah, did you shower afterwards?
I lost something wonderful once. My metal detector helped me to find it again.
Did you know Chuck is a Finnish name? Loosely translated, it means “Damn it, he keeps floating back up to the surface.”
For someone who just got the internet, you sure don’t post for shit. Luzer.
At the tone the time will be 4:46am.
Wait a minute… Damned Mountain Time Zone. Fucks everything up!