A quick new entry:
My five favorite fight scenes ever, as of today: (one on one close combat, one scene per movie, live action only)
1. Christian Bale Vs the Father – Equilibrium
This close range gunfight is possible the most beautiful thing I have ever seen commited to film. WATCH THIS MOVIE!
2. Kareem Abdul Jabbar Vs. Bruce Lee – Game of Death
Come on – What could be better? 10 ft tall guy, five foot tall guy . . .
3. Mickey Vs. Goodnight Anderson – Snatch –
This scene is great because – having done that sort of thing a great deal – it precisely represents what bare knuckle boxing feels like to me.
4. Neo & Agent Smith’s tie meeting in the train tunnel – The Matrix
Remember how freaking blown away you were when you saw this? Remember?
5. Honey Roy Palmer Vs. Minoso Torres – Diggstown.
Never shit a shitter. Nuff Said.
Runners up/and or cool-but-disqualified:
Keith Yates Vs Roddy Piper – They Live
Rocky Vs. Apollo – Rocky
Vash Vs. Anybody – Trigun
Christian Bale Vs. Every Armed Adult Male in the movie Equilibrium
Vader Vs. Skywalker in Bespin – Empire
I could go on. The top five I mostly picked for being jaw dropping. Anybody got a top five of their own?